About The Content Lab

Since the earliest days of the public Internet, Marc has been helping businesses capitalize on opportunities to grow their business and expand their Empire. With an early awareness of the ability for the Internet to transform how we do business, Marc made it his mission to consult with and educate businesses on the transformational power of the Internet.

In 1995, Marc formed a Web Design & Development Consultancy that helped some of the earliest adopters stake their claim on the world wide web. As the Internet evolved and Interactive Marketing opportunities began to present themselves, he joined forces with what would become one of the largest Interactive Marketing Agencies as Vice President of Client Consulting. Many years were spent working with large brands, aggressive entrepreneurs and savvy marketers implementing strategies that produced meaningful results in the form of revenue and growth.

This experience taught him that small to midsize companies, often limited in the budget department, were being underserved by tacticians pushing a specific strategy or a one size fits all approach. With a firm belief that these businesses could capitalize on the same strategies as larger organizations as long as someone could help them prioritize and develop a plan of attack, he left the agency to work with clients directly. Now, as the President and Creative Director of The Content Lab, he works with clients to develop and implement online strategies that produce results.

Marc is an ADDY award-winning Interactive Producer and a frequent speaker and author on subjects related to building business online.